You can find the fully qualified name of the resource configuration file in the Help topic for actions. 您可以找到Help话题中资源配置文件完全合格的名字。
The name of a property is not prefixed with the fully qualified name of the current Package. 属性的名称没有将当前Package的全限定名作为前缀。
The Java class has to be specified using its fully qualified name. 指定的Java类需要使用它的全名称。
This is the fully qualified name of the sample widget. 这是示例小部件的完全限定名称。
Notice that the Class field contains the qualified name of the provider class created in the previous section. 注意Class区域包含了在前面章节中创建的Provider类的名字。
Enter the fully qualified name of a formatted system dump to be analyzed. 输入合格的系统转储名称以进行分析(该系统转储已执行过格式化)。
This will be used later as the qualified name of the custom unmarshaller. 这将在稍后用作自定义解组器的限定名。
As you can see, the relationship to messages is made by qualified name reference. 如您所见,我们通过合格名称的引用来确定与消息的关系。
It expects a fully qualified name of the file that receives the debug message. 它的值应该是接收调试消息的文件的完全限定名。
In this case, the fully qualified name of the table to query must follow the FROM keyword. 在这种情况下,要查询的表的完全限定名称必须位于FROM关键字之后。
It can decompose an XML qualified name ( db: simpara) in a namespace URI and local name. 它可以将XML限定名称(db:simpara)拆成名称空间URI和本地名称。
The type attribute gives the qualified name of the port type implemented by the binding. type属性指定了这个绑定所实现的端口类型全名。
Hovering your mouse over any box shows the fully qualified name of the component. 将鼠标悬停在任何框上,就会显示组件的完全限定名称。
The required type attribute should declare the type of property as the fully qualified name of a Java class. 必需的type属性应该将属性类型声明为一个Java类的完全限定名。
This qualified name and the identifier specified by the id attribute are used by RRD to find the matching extension handler for an extension. RRD使用ID属性指定的此限定名称和标识符来查找用于扩展的匹配扩展处理程序。
Specify the web service's fully qualified name. 指定Web服务的全限定名。
All names in a qualified name other than the rightmost, which is called the simple name. 限定名中除最后右边那个简单名之外的全部名字。
The class name specified in the argument can be a simple name or a fully qualified name that includes the package name. 参数中指定的类名可以是一个简单名称,也可以是包括组件包名的完全限定名。
The fully qualified name must be surrounded by quotes. 完全限定名必须用引号括起。
Returns the fully qualified name of the source item that contained the error. 返回包含错误的源项的完全限定名。
Compiler generated fully qualified name of the managed type. 编译器生成了托管类型的完全限定名称。
That represents the fully qualified name of a user-defined type. 表示用户定义的类型的完全限定名。
Only the simple name, not the fully qualified name, is returned. 名称的字符串。只返回简单名称,不返回完全限定名。
The following example displays the assembly name associated with the class and the fully qualified name of the type. 下面的示例显示与类关联的程序集名和类型的完全限定名。
That contains the local part of a qualified name. 包含限定名的本地部分。
The fully qualified name of the directory that contains the process to be started. 包含要启动进程的目录的完全限定名。
Fully qualified name of the factory class, which contains enough information to instantiate the object. 工厂类的完全限定名,它包含用于实例化该对象的足够的信息。
The decimal format name must be a qualified name. 十进制格式名称必须是限定名。
This qualified name can be persisted and later used to load the type. 可以保持此限定名并在以后使用它来加载type。
Type object that represents a type specified by its fully qualified name. 对象,该对象表示由其完全限定名指定的类型。